Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 6

Saturday April 17th, 2010


Well, actually, I took a personal day today....but it was TOTALLY worth it!

I slept in...ahhhhh so refreshing to sleeeeeeeeeeep. I woke up a few times throughout the morning, but did not officially get out of bed until around 1:30. I know its "oh-so-late" but it was "oh-so-worth" it!

For breakfast I ate two fried eggs that I cooked on a skillet and 3 sausage patties. Probably not the healthiest (especially compared to my cheerios/strawberries) but it was delicious!

After relaxing and getting some things done on the computer; I decided to get up and go to our gym for some much needed exercise!

I packed up my little Nike drawstring bag with my towel, water, phone, keys, gym keys, and Brett's Ipod (did i mention that some of my "computer time" was actually my "rearrange/download/delete songs on Brett's Ipod" time? Well, unfortunately for the crappy songs on his Ipod; that is EXACTLY what I was doing.)

I walked all the way to the gym, started entering my information into my treadmill (weight, run time, distance) and then I power on my Ipod... only to realize that the stupid headsets I grabbed dont have the song changer or the volume buttons on them (just so you know, brett has the new Ipod shuffle, so without the headset, you have to take the volume level and the song choices as is... and that is totally unacceptable.) So OFF of the treadmill I go, and BACK to the condo.. bleh.

After finding the dang headphones I made my way BACK to the gym where I ran my butt off for 3 miles and did cardio for 45 minutes overall. Then some stomache crunches for about 15 minutes and I was out of there!

I havent eaten dinner yet, which breaks my "eating before 9pm" rule...but I dont care.. I am waiting for Brett to get home from workin order to eat. I have made us Beer Butt Chicken (Where you put a beer can under the butt of a whole chicken and then roast it) and some fresh potatoes. Keeping up with my 1 red meat a week; and still basically keeping up with my 1 night of alcohol, because using alcohol for cooking doesnt count.

I already know my 1 day of alcohol next week ---> my cousin and former roommate Jeff is coming into town next week so him and I (and his sister) will be partaking in some major alcoholism next wednesday. (which, btw, means I may miss out on writing my blog on time that day.. i'll try to get it in early)

Until then!


If organic farming is the natural way, shouldn't organic produce just be called "produce" and make the pesticide-laden stuff take the burden of an adjective? ~Ymber Delecto

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 5


Today I worked 8-5pm; therefore, I woke up, at my cheerios and strawberries, enjoyed a banana for my breakfast.

At lunchtime I had a turkey sub; maybe not the healthiest, but I still enjoyed it!

For dinner we had clams (with lemon juice, hot sauce, and some butter) and a tilapia filet. Finished it all up with some Banana Pudding for dessert... YUM!

Today was another off day for exercise.... but I'm off of work tomorrow so i'll run EXTRA hard!

until then----


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 4


Short blog, just for consistency...

Worked 6am -3pm; so I am extremely TIRED tonight, I ate my cheerios and strawberries, 1 yogurt, 1 banana, chicken salad on white bread, about 8 of my boyfriends McDonalds french fries.

My District Manager "popped" into my store today so it was stressful at work, and one of my best friends dog died so tonight I went out to Outback with her and some of our friends.

I had two VERY LARGE beers, 1 Ribeye with blue cheese crumbles, salad with ranch, green beans, and some lobster mushroom topping. I know...worst foods ever. Oh! And did I mention that I also ate some Bloomin' Onion? (or is it Awesome Blossom? I can never remember!)

ON THE POSITIVE SIDE: I exercised for over an hour today!!!!!!!! I ran for 45 minutes AND did arm workouts!!

Tomorrow I'm back on the stricter diet. That was my alcohol for the week (but sunday starts a new day!) and it was also my red-meat for the week.... alas...

I'm sleepy. G'night!


"You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is."
- Ellen Degeneres

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 3

Day 3/261
Wednesday 4.14.10

Today was a long day for me. Working 12-9...bleh. I work again tomorrow at 6am so not much downtime.

I did my best to stay true to my healthier lifestyle today. Ultimate success would have been waking up in time to get in my run AND eating healthy...but success can also come in small things, like:

Eating my Cheerios and strawberries again this morning!
Eating my Activia Peach Yogurt
1 Banana
1 Pear
and for dinner: 2 rolls of sushi.

Now i'm about to cook up some chicken for chicken salad tomorrow. Yum!!! Then, I'm going to watch an episode of South Park (the 200th episode) and finally, GO-TO-SLEEP. Because if i have learned anything from reading countless weight loss programs... regular sleep, breakfast, and not eating too late are all the key building blocks to weight loss.

On the down-side I'm FREAKING OUT about my teeth (weird, i know...) BUT I grind my teeth at night, and I have this one tooth that has a small chip in it and now it hurts but i HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the dentist...i dont want to hear about it! OMG!!! So, tonight I will begin researching Dentists. FUN-TIMES.

Now------->Off to Make Chicken S-A-L-A-D!!!!!

auf wiedersehen!! (will speaking like Heidi Klum make me skinny like Heidi Klum?)


Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. ~Author Unknown

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 2/262 - Tuesday 4.13.10

Today was a SUCCESS! :)

I am so very proud of myself today!! I worked 6am - 3pm (it should be noted that I work as a Manager at a major Outlet Store and my hours vary - also hindering my ability to manage what I eat, when I exercise, and when I sleep!)

I woke up around 5 am, and yesterday I had pre-made little baggies of Cheerios cereal and I had also frozen chopped strawberries to add to my cereal. For my lunch today I packed a pear, an apple, a banana, a plum (to make my own fruit salad to munch on throughout my shift), 1 cup of Activia peach yogurt, and tuna salad on rye bread. Now... i KNOW that people can find things wrong with this meal: "all the sugar" or "tuna salad has mayo in it" or maybe something wrong with rye bread... HOWEVER.... Compared to what I typically eat for lunch at work, this was definitely a step in the right direction!

During my lunch break today (which was about 11am), our store experienced some major power outages, turning my lunch into a camp out. Due to the commotion I wasn't able to truly "focus on the meal" and eat slower; but i will work on that tomorrow!

When I returned from work I decided to make a quick snack before hitting my gym for my cardio today. My snack consisted of a small egg salad (no bread, just eating the egg salad) and 2 glasses of grapefruit juice (all this was at about 330pm). Once Brett got home we hit the gym! I did a 30 minute run which equaled approximately 3 miles (if my treadmill can be trusted!) and then about 15 minutes of steady walking as my cool down.

Tonight dinner will be some salmon, cooked in the oven, probably with a touch of olive oil and garlic, some peas, and perhaps some sort of grain (rice)...but I haven't gotten that far. For a light desert I have a few spoonfuls of pudding.

Oh! and because I promised to be honest with you, I DID take 1 SlimQuick pill today at about 1pm. The carton says to take two pills every six hours, so i'm not sure that 1 pill will even DO anything, but I do like the extra energy it gives me so that i'm not in "nap mode" when I get home from work.

No photos to upload today... I will; however, re-weigh myself for the Sunday-Funday Weigh-In and also re-take my measurements. Additionally, pictures will be posted (in the same outfit) at that time. I may decide on a different outfit as my days progress........ I want to really be able to notice the difference!

To all of you out there (or none of you out there) good luck!!!! You can do it! Just get out there! Go! GO! GOOOOO!!!!!!


The one way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life. ~Cyril Connolly, The Unquiet Grave

Monday, April 12, 2010

My Goals!

Hello world!

This is my first venture into blogging; my sort of "online diary" into getting healthy and losing weight. I am hoping to use this as a tool to get motivated and stay on course with things like healthy eating, exercise, etc;. I figure I should set some goals, talk a little about myself and that sort of thing on here.... so hereeeeee goes!

My name is Katie I am 27 years old, one month away from being 28. I have my 10 year high school reunion coming up, and I was (like i'm sure most high school girls) the one with absolutely ZERO confidence in high school. Looking back at photos I wish I had appreciated what I HAD! :) ---->

I also am single; although, I live with my boyfriend (Brett) of 1 1/2 years, and we definitely have plans of getting married one day, so in addition to all the reasons I want to get healthy and fit, my "one day" wedding is on the list!

With this blog I'm going to post photos of my progress - be completely blunt about my weight, any choices I make regarding diet - Whether it be pills or food or exercise - and hopefully I will make progress.


I guess I will start slow and build up more goals based on suggestions but here they are:

Exercise at least 45 minutes 5 days a week.
Maintain this blog until the end of this year (263 days)
Every Sunday night (or Monday Morning) I will do a weigh in

Please give me any ideas of what you want to hear and wont just be a weight loss blog, I'll include little tidbits about my daily activities and life. I hope to hear from any of you out there!!!

MEASUREMENTS: 41 - 39 - 43